Monday 5 May 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 2

Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

(This should be amusing..)

1. Pregnancy - This literally happened when I was watching Friends one day, where Rachel is pregnant and she feels the baby kicking. I sat and I thought how weird is it that you can feel a baby kicking inside you, I started to get really freaked out and basically started thinking about all aspects of pregnancy and how gross and terrifying it is, especially the look of a pregnant stomach, *shudder*. (I don't mean to offend anyone, it just really scares me). So anyway, basically any time I think about pregnancy now I get really anxious and freaked out. God knows how I will ever cope if/when I'm pregnant. I've already decided on a C-section, that's for sure.

2. The supernatural - Okay, I'm pretty sure this is a genuine phobia because it's unbelievably irrational. Have you seen the film, Insidious? Well the bit where the woman is remembering her dream or something, and she opens her eyes and that GOD DAMN CREEPY THING IS BEHIND THAT GUY?!?!?! Okay, that's when it started. Honestly, I used to LOVE scary films and I watched that about 2 years ago and it's the only things that has ever scared me from a film and it ruined scary films for me. It pops into my head now and again and I tell myself that it's obviously not real, demons, ghosts etc aren't real. But then my brain is like 'what if they are real, and they know you think they're not real and they come after you to prove that they are?'. That is a legitimate sentence that was said inside my head. So pretty much anything like that really scares me now and I wish it didn't!

3. The dark - So, I don't remember ever being scared of the dark as a kid, I mean, I had the usual 'run up stairs so monsters don't get me' feeling but everyone had that right? I think it started about 5 years ago when my sister left home to live with her friend. We'd always shared a room so I'd never been alone at night, and I suddenly realised how scary it is that you don't know what is in the darkness. So I had to sleep with a light on, or my TV. Even now, when I go home and have to sleep away from my boyfriend, I put Friends on on my laptop so I don't have to fall asleep in silence/pitch black.

So if you didn't already think I was peculiar, you probably do now!
Thanks for reading,

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