The year was going by fairly uneventfully, but in April Tom and I moved in to our first proper house! Having been at the flat for almost two years it was time to move on to something bigger and better and since Tom had secured a graduate job, we knew we would be able to afford a nice place.
I had also been offered the assistant manager position at work due to the current assistant manager finding out she was pregnant. I was actually really surprised and grateful that I was asked after such a short amount of time being there. I felt like the pressure to find a graduate job was off and, whilst I was still looking, it was a bit of a relief that something better was coming along.
In May we got a car! Tom was starting his job in June and needed a way to get there and back easily.
July came and it was time for Tom to graduate, he worked his backside off and ended up getting a first class! I was beyond proud of him, he wasn't sure if he would get it but he so deserved to so I was really pleased it worked out for him.

After graduation it was time for our birthdays! We ended up going away for two nights to Edinburgh, it was really nice to get away and I saw so many penguins at the zoo.

When we got back, I took my driving test and passed, FINALLY! Better yet, I passed with no minors which I am insanely proud of.
At the end of August I left my job at The Fragrance Shop because I had been offered a graduate job at HP. I loved working at The Fragrance Shop and the girls there were amazing, but I am proud of myself for getting a graduate job and I am excited to start next month.
So that's it, that's 2015 so far. I will keep updating this (I hope) so that I don't have to do a whole year of catching up next September!
Thanks for reading,
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