Thursday, 18 September 2014

Lush's 'Dream Cream' and 'Vanilla Dee-Lite' Review

Hi guys!
So I recently used two different Lush body lotions and I thought it might be a good idea to do a kind of comparison review on them. The lotions I used were Dream Cream and Vanilla Dee-Lite.

I'll start with Dream Cream. As you can see from the picture, the one I used was the new, self-preserving formula. It's mostly the same as the old formula but it doesn't have any parabens in, it contains more olive oil and is more organic. It is also a little thicker than the old formula.

I like the smell of Dream Cream, a lot of people instantly pick up the floral rose scent, but for me I mostly smell lavender. I think this is because my nose is more sensitive to lavender and I usually don't like the smell but I have found it is quite pleasant in the Lush products I have used. In other parts of the world, Dream Cream has actually been doctor recommended for treatment of eczema and it is tried and tested by people worldwide with sensitive skin or skin conditions. I have neither so I cannot comment on the effectiveness for me but it does leave my skin feeling soft and moisturised, and smelling nice!

Vanilla Dee-Lite is another body lotion that is said to be good for skin conditions, again I can't say how effective it is for those personally. The predominant smell I pick up is vanilla (hence the name I suppose), but it also contains things like kiwi and coconut oil.

This lotion comes in a bottle as it is a little runnier than Dream Cream but it is still thick enough to use without making a mess! I actually really love this product, I applied it around 5 hours ago and I can still smell it on my skin which is really nice.  I have naturally soft skin and have always found that body lotions stay on my skin for a long time before sinking in which is actually what happens with Dream Cream! This sinks in pretty much straight away which I am really pleased about.

Overall, Vanilla Dee-Lite wins it for me, the smell is more to my liking and it sinks in so much quicker, I would definitely buy this again, meaning that I would have no need to buy more Dream Cream. That said, I will continue to use Dream Cream until it has ran out because it still is a gorgeous lotion!

Bare in mind that Lush products are all about you and your skin/hair. People have different experiences with different products so I would never disregard a products just from things someone else has said. Your favourite lotion might be a different one entirely!

I welcome any questions or comments you have about this review or any other product you have in mind so please, get typing below :)

Thanks for reading,

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