Sunday, 18 May 2014


***********SPOILER ALERT*************
Do not read if you don't want to know what happens!

On Friday I went to the cinema with my boyfriend to watch Godzilla. We watched it in 2D because I have to wear my glasses in the cineme otherwise I get headaches and it's pretty difficult to wear 3D glasses over glasses. Anyway, it wasn't a film that I was dying to see in 3D anyway.

As you will probably know, the plot is basically that Godzilla is brought from his hiding place by these two giant parasites that want to mate and are calling out to each other, and Godzilla just want to 'restore natural balance' by killing them.
At first it seems like Godzilla is the bad guy and just wants to wreck the place, but actually he saves the earth from these parasites and goes back to hiding in the sea.

The film is done really well, the parasites and Godzilla look awesome and the sound effects are so scary and amazing. There are a few things that I didn't like though; Bryan Cranston's character dies quite early on which I didn't expect as all the trailers seem to suggest he is the main character throughout. Aaron Johnson does play a good character though when he takes over the main role. There are a few bits where the monsters basically look Johnson's character in the eye which seemed quite cheesy.
Also, when they return to their family home, the 'Happy Birthday' sign is up. Who the frig put that up? The kid left it and went to school, then the mum died and the other two were apparently evacuated so quickly that they didn't even grab any photographs.

Anyway, I would say that it's definitely worth a watch, especially if you like watching giant monsters fight! Also, in the scene where the soldiers jump from the plane, the sky looks awesome and completely scary. It is a good story too and Cranston's character builds up a lot of drama.

On a side note, there is a line in the film that says something like "the ignorance of man is thinking that nature is under our control", which is probably one of the most thought-provoking things I've ever heard. It's totally true and, when you apply it to the situation that the film puts the world in, completely terrifying.

Thanks for reading,

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