Tuesday, 6 May 2014

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 3

Describe your relationship with your parents.

My relationship with my mum is good, we're very close and when I'm home from uni we do lots of things together, go out for lunch, shopping etc. She has supported me in anything I've done throughout my whole life, and she has done a bloody good job raising me.

My relationship with my dad is..different. Basically, he left my mum, sister and brother and I about 4 years ago and for ages I didn't see him at all. He never bothered contacting me or asking to see me, but he saw my younger brother every weekend. Now, I still don't speak to my dad often, but when I do we have a laugh. He made an effort over my Easter break to take me and my brother out to a few places which was nice.

To be honest, my relationship with my parents is probably the same as most twenty-something year olds who have separated parents. Nothing majorly special.

See you tomorrow for day four!

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