Sunday, 4 May 2014

30 Day Blog Challenge! Day 1

So I found this 30 day blog challenge online and thought it would be a good way to get me into the routine of blogging daily. Here it is!

Day 1: List 20 random facts about yourself
1. My full first name is Abbiegayle and it's spelt strangely.
2. I am 20 years old.
3. My birthday is 21st July.
3. My favourite colour is orange.
4. My favourite animal is a penguin, all kinds of penguins!
5. I love learning and I'm scared to leave education.
6. My family is ridiculously dysfunctional.
7. I have an unhealthy relationship with food, it's a wonder I'm not obese.
8. I really hate my generation because I'm about 60 in the head.
9. I'm the complete opposite of the stereotypical student.
10. I don't really know how to get along with girls.
11. I love the freedom of living away from home and I never want to live at home again.
12. I've been getting migraines for 10 years, nothing stops them and no-one knows why.
13. I really want to make a difference to the world in whatever career I choose.
14. My boyfriend is my best friend.
15. I have really irrational fears.
16. Sometimes I really like doing nothing.
17. I love Disney.
18. If I could sing all day everyday, I would.
19. I'm really shy but good at faking confidence.
20. I have super high expectations of myself.

If you sat through all of that, well done! Now you know a bit more about me. See you tomorrow for the next one!


  1. 10- I disagree.
    14- Tabbie 4 lyf. Stop being so cute.

    1. Are you really going to count yourself as a girl? Everyone knows that we are both towards the boy end of the girl scale, with the occasional girly moments ;)
