Sunday 4 May 2014

Just a thought...

So, I was scrolling facebook and I came across this..

This basically sums up my feelings about how mind blowing nature is. We assume that animals don't have any form of consciousness, meaning that they don't think like humans do. So how the hell does a caterpillar know it's time to become a butterfly. It just does it instinctively. It's amazing that everything an animal does is down to instinct. It's so hard to comprehend.
 People say that human beings are the most intelligent form of life, and perhaps on the surface we are. But we are in no way intelligent enough to run the world the way we do. We ignore our basic instincts to survive and allow our conscious thoughts to take over. We don't do what is best for the human race's survival, we do what is best for ourselves at this very moment. It is this that causes the environmental decline that we see and will ultimately destroy nature.

Something to think about.


  1. Holy hell. Love this post. =D

    1. Thank you! You should probably expect more of these type of posts. Too many things blow my mind, haha! :)
